Saturday, October 30, 2010

Our picks for 2010

For the record, how we went in 2010:

CA Props:

Prop 19: Marijuana Legalization YES
Not gonna pass, but I continue to believe that the only way to get drug trade under control is to legalize and perhaps even tax the bejeezus out of it.

Prop 20: Redistricting Congressional Districts NO
Same as Prop 11 two years ago -- anything that has the veneer of gerrymandering really sticks in my craw.

Prop 21: State Park and Wildlife surcharge on vehicles YES
I hate seeing those #$! fees racked up every time you renew vehicle registration, but the truth is I think we have to put money into the state park system.

Prop 22: Borrowing Funds from Transportation and Redevelopment NO
I don't have a strong opinion on this one.

Prop 23: Suspends Air Pollution Controls NO NO NO, ICK. Ptooey.
Are you kidding me? Sure, let's just pump up those greenhouse gas emissions and see how we do.

Prop 24: Repeals Law to Allow Businesses to Lower Tax Liability. YES.
Why am I needed to vote on this. Jeez louise. Now I have to be a corporate tax law specialist too just to vote? Fine. Yes, tax the corporations.

Prop 25: Changes from a 2/3 majority to a simple majority for budget legislation requirements. YES.
See California: past summer with no budget. Can't even get people to agree on whether the sky is blue. I want that process to be faster and easier.

Prop 26: Requires 2/3 vote for state and local fees to be approved. NO
See above. Plus it's backed by Chevron and Occidental Petroleum.

Prop 27: Eliminates the Commission on Redistricting. YES.
See above, Prop 20.

San Francisco Bonus:

AA: Vehicle Registration Fee: NO
Have I mentioned that I'm tired of fees? And do I honestly think my extra $10 will actually GO to fixing potholes and improving MUNI? No.

A: Earthquake Retrofit bond. Yes.
Sure, don't want things falling about our ears as I walk through the Polk Gulch.

B: City Retirement and Health Plans. No.
It's a plan benefit cut that doesn't hit all economic levels equally. I don't like our budget, but I don't think the folks at a low salary level should have to take the same kind of big hit that will mean nothing to people at a higher salary level.

C: Mayor appears at Board Meetings. Leaning No.
I'm divided on this one because I'm very entertained by the "Prime Minister's questions" on the BBC but I also have to admit that I don't think a lot of actual compromise gets done, just a lot of grandstanding, which seems to me to be a waste of time.

D: Non citizen voting on School Board elections: Yes.

Their kids are in school, they pay taxes. Yes, let them vote.

E: Election Day voter Registration. Yes.
Anything to make voting easier.

F: Health Service Board Elections. ??
Another in the "Sorry, I'm not qualified to be making this decision...." props. Not sure where I am on this.

G: Transit Operator Wages. No.
There are better ways to address driver pay issues without legislating them.

H: Local Elected officials on Political Party Committees. No
Actually we don't really get to legislate anything about how local political parties choose their committee members.

I: Saturday Voting. Yes.
Sure let's try it. It's a one-time trial run.

J: Hotel Tax clarification. Yes.
Eliminates the loophole by which online bookers do not have to pay hotel taxes.

K: Same hotel tax, but different. No.
J includes an increase tax which will help generate revenue, while K does not (done to placate the hotel and tourism businesses), but SF needs the money and there's no clear argument that a $3 tax will discourage tourism.

L: Bans sitting or Lying on Sidewalks. NO ICK PTOOEY.
I'm as annoyed as anyone by the people sprawled on the sidewalks on Haight, but this is stupid. You're going to make it illegal to park your butt on the curb for lunch everywhere in the city? Never make a law you can't enforce and this one can only be selectively enforced.

M: Community policing and foot patrols: Yes.
Now this makes sense. bring back beat cops who know the neighborhood and then they can HELP with the lying on sidewalks...

N: Real property transfer tax. Yes.
Increases the tax charged on the sale of property worth more than $5 million. I can live with that.

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